An Inside Look at Working with a Literary Agent (Online)

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You’re writing a book (or thinking about it), but what happens next? Join us for an inside look into working with an agent and the beginning stages of the publishing process with Seth Fishman, Vice President and Literary Agent at The Gernert Company.

The Gernert Company represents more than 500 authors and is a full-service literary agency with offices in New York and Los Angeles. Their client list is as broad as the market and they represent fiction, both literary and commercial (such as Liz Moore, John Grishman, Louise Penny, Cixin Liu), as well as general nonfiction and practical nonfiction genres. 

In this presentation, Fishman will deep dive into what happens after you’ve signed with a literary agent.

Reserve a seat at this event  If you cannot make the time or date, don't worry! This event will be recorded for on-demand viewing. Register to receive a link to the recording.